New/Revised Attributes
Defense Technique (Special: Universal, 2 points a level)
This attribute is possessed by characters who have undergone an advanced training regimen, possess defensive cybernetics (Mechanist parts), or have a supernatural ability in a particular defensive ability. Each level of Defense Technique allows a character to pick one defense ability granted by this attribute. A defense ability may be taken twice, in which case the character may use it to defend both others and themselves, otherwise, it only works on either themselves or on others, which must be specified when the ability is taken.
Bodyguard- The Bodyguard ability allows a character to defend others against any type of attack by interposing their own body between the other character and an attack. Typically, this is used as a last ditch defense once another character’s Defense Roll has failed. The Bodyguard character gains a -4 bonus to his Defense roll to interpose his body in the way. If the Bodyguard character dies as a result of the attack, the original target takes the remainder of the damage. If purchased twice, the character gains the ability to make an actual Defense roll for themselves when defending another, giving them the opportunity to negate the attack. Either way, this is considered a single Defense. Sadistic GM’s may require players to shout “NOOOOOOO!” when they use this ability.
Bullet Dodger- This defense ability represents a character who can dodge or deflect bullets by intense training in agility and ballistics, heightened reflexes, or a supernatural power to slow time. Characters with Bullet Dodger receive a -4 bonus to Ranged Defense rolls involving physical projectiles, this gives no bonus against Area, Quake, or Spreading attacks unless a physical projectile is present in the attack. When used to defend others, this ability counts as an Attack.
Nimble- Nimble characters can completely dodge Area attacks with a successful Defense roll, even if this makes no sense. They have a nearly (or actually) supernatural ability to find sufficient cover in any situation to hide behind, or can throw themselves flat to avoid shock waves when literally no cover is available. When used to defend others, this ability counts as a non-combat action, although it may, at the GM’s options, be considered a Defense if cover is nearby.
Slippery- Similar to Elasticity, but well, slick. Characters who are Slippery receive a -4 bonus against Wrestling attacks (Pins, Chokes, Grabs, etc) and attacks with the Flexible Ability. In addition, Slippery characters receive a -4 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks used to escape bonds. This ability may only be taken once, and may not be used to defend others without an extremely odd description (in this case, it may be taken twice, with GM’s permission).
Unconscious Defender- Suitable mostly for comedic or over-the-top games, an Unconscious Defender is allowed the option to defend against any attack directed against them or others, even when sleeping, tied up, or otherwise incapacitated (although certain forms of the Incapacitating attack may nullify this). This counts as two abilities if taken for themselves or others, and three abilities if usable on both themselves and others.
Vicious Parry- Typically only possessed by practitioners of brutal fighting styles, Vicious Parry allows the character to turn an attack made against them or others back upon the attacker. Bonuses for Massive Damage or Focused Damage from the initial attacker do not apply, but those attributes which the character possesses do apply to the damage. In addition, if the character rolls a natural 2 for Defense, this counts as a critical hit to the initial attacker. This ability counts as two abilities, and costs four abilities to purchase twice. When used to defend others, this counts as an Attack.
Level 1: The character has one defense ability.
Level 2: The character has two defense abilities.
Level 3: The character has three defense abilities.
Level 4: The character has four defense abilities.
Level 5: The character has five defense abilities.
Level 6: The character has six defense abilities.
Duplicate (Special: Paranormal, Technological, 2-4 points a level)
This attribute represents the ability, either through magic, high technology, or psionics to create clones of the character at will. These characters will act identically but independently of the producing character, and have equal abilities (although the duplicates cannot themselves create more duplicates) to the main character. It is recommended that the GM control the duplicates, although the player should be allowed at the minimum to suggest actions for the duplicates to undertake.
At two points a level each duplicate shares Health and Energy Points with the main character (or has a separate total created by dividing the current totals by the number of duplicates plus the main character). At three points a level the duplicates have their own Health Points equal to the main character's at the time of duplication, but share Energy Points with the main character. At four points a level the duplicates have separate Health and Energy Points from the main character.
Level 1: Twin- One Duplicate
Level 2: Triplets- Two Duplicates
Level 3: Quadruplets- Three Duplicates
Level 4: Quintuplets- Four Duplicates
Level 5: Sextuplets- Five Duplicates
Level 6: Septuplets- Six Duplicates
Exorcism (Revised, 3 points/Level)
In addition to standard Exorcism, characters
with the Exorcism attribute may attempt to counter enemy spellcasting. A
successful Soul Stat Check by the exorcist and a failed one by the opponent
will disrupt the spell. No additional energy is lost in this case by either
party, although a disrupted spell still costs the Energy Points it would have
consumed if cast. If using Sorcery, the requisite Elemental Stone (that of the
Element in opposition to the spell: Light-Shadow, Air-Earth, Fire-Water, and
Nature-Time are the opposition pairs) is required, with other Magics, it is
assumed the character can call upon the correct Element to disrupt the spell
(except Vampire Magic, which subverts and destroys nonLight spells, and
disrupts Light spells normally). When using Exorcism in this manner, characters
only receive a bonus to their Soul Stat check if the level of Exorcism exceeds
the level of the attribute being disrupted (and then only a -1/+1 per level in
excess). Characters may not use Exorcism against attributes of a higher level
than their Exorcism attribute. When used against existing spells where the
caster is not present (or against Items of Power), the GM should assign an
innate resistance based on the caster’s Magic Attribute and Soul Stat, which
manifests as a penalty to the Soul Stat Check by the Exorcist.
Force Field (Revised, standard costs)
Alternate Force Fields may be purchased for 2 points at the same level, and 1 point at any lower level, in the same manner as Weapon Attack. Force Fields purchased via the Magic Attribute consume energy as if they had been purchased for full cost. Example: A Level 2 Alternate Force Field will cost 4, 6, or 8 energy points dependent on whether it is a wall, form-fitting, or area, respectively.
New Ability-Reflective: A reflective force field creates a mirror-like effect around the owner, allowing her to bounce back attacks which do not penetrate at the attacker. This ability costs 3 levels.
New Gun Bunny Ability- Blind Shooting
Characters with Blind Shooting suffer no penalties for visibility (darkness, smoke, invisible opponents, cover), as long as they have some other way of sensing the opponent (hearing, smell, Sensors, Sixth Sense, etc).
Lightning Reflexes! (Normal, 1 point/Level)
Characters with this attribute have inhumanely fast reaction times. This is represented by a bonus to Initiative rolls, and, at high levels, a bonus to Defensive Combat Value. Note that this attribute may be combined with Extra Attacks and Speed to represent a truly superhumanly fast character.
Level 1: The character gains a +1 to Initiative.
Level 2: The character gains a +2 to Initiative.
Level 3: The character gains a +3 to Initiative.
Level 4: The character gains a +4 to Initiative and a +1 to Defensive Combat Value.
Level 5: The character gains a +5 to Initiative and a +1 to DCV.
Level 6: The character gains a +6 to Initiative and a +2 to DCV.
Magic (Standard cost, notes)
For ease of record-keeping, lump each set of Magic under its broad type. Sorcery, and Elemental Magic are the two main broad types, although Kensei and Shamanist Magics are considered specialty types outside of the two main broad types. Elven and Vampire Magics may be considered either variant types of Elemental Magic, or their own specialty types, at the GM’s option.
Mechanist Body (Special: Technological, 4 points/Level)
This attribute represents a series of mechanical upgrades to the character. While BESM Revised states that cyborg characters should simply purchase attributes of a technological nature, some players may desire a sub-attribute solution instead.
Characters with Mechanist Body suffer from some innate limitations, such as reduced Energy Points, the need for maintenance, and skilled mechanics to perform repairs to damaged systems. Characters may not purchase Energy Bonus with Mechanist Points, but must retain a positive Energy Point total. Mechanists may otherwise purchase any Technological and Normal Attributes they wish, and other Special Attributes, subject to GM approval.
Any character who possesses Mechanist Body and takes more than Shock Value damage from any source, must make a second Stat check, based on Body, to avoid System Damage. System Damage shuts down one randomly determined sub-attribute purchased with Mechanist Body, and can only be restored by a mechanic. A Mechanist can suffer from multiple System Damages, and each must be repaired separately.
Level 1: The character has 10 Mechanist Points, in addition, the character has 10 fewer Energy Points than their Stats and Energy Bonus Attribute indicates.
Level 2: The character has 20 Mechanist Points, in addition, the character has 20 fewer Energy Points than their Stats and Energy Bonus Attribute indicates.
Level 3: The character has 30 Mechanist Points, in addition, the character has 30 fewer Energy Points than their Stats and Energy Bonus Attribute indicates.
Level 4: The character has 40 Mechanist Points, in addition, the character has 40 fewer Energy Points than their Stats and Energy Bonus Attribute indicates.
Level 5: The character has 50 Mechanist Points, in addition, the character has 50 fewer Energy Points than their Stats and Energy Bonus Attribute indicates.
Level 6: The character has 60 Mechanist Points, in addition, the character has 60 fewer Energy Points than their Stats and Energy Bonus Attribute indicates.
Organizational Ties
The following organizations may be selected, the Brotherhood of Midnight (5 levels maximum, 1 point/level), either the Northern or Southern Dragon Knights (4 levels maximum, 1 point/level), and the Gunslingers (1 level maximum for non-Gunslingers, 6 levels maximum for Gunslingers, 2 points/level). Some Shamans have the ability to claim hospitality in a variety of places, this is equivalent to level 1 Organizational Ties at 1 point/level, and even powerful Shamans rarely exceed this limit.
OBM (Own a Big Mecha) (Revised, 4 points/Level)
While this attribute functions almost exactly as written in BESM Revised, it deserves some mention in this section for several reasons, the first being the alteration of living mecha. In this setting living mecha are Dragons (see section on Dragons) and they advance by both age category (levels of OBD) and personal experience (the GM should award character/skill points to the character’s dragon at whatever level they feel is reasonable). In addition, Dragons do not possess the AI attribute, but still possess Stats, which are purchased directly. Also, Dragons (unless they take the Unskilled Defect) will possess skills.
Other types of mecha include Airships and technomagic constructs (mostly ancient artifacts). Typically, Airships are owned by Sky Captains, but other types are gained through play. These mecha operate via normal rules, although some Ancient Artifacts may possess the Dynamic Sorcery attribute, in defiance of standard rules. Characters may not begin play with Ancient Artifact Mecha without GM’s permission.
Psycher Power (Special: Paranormal, 4 points/Level)
This attribute represents the special abilities of Psychers in this setting. Psychers may purchase powers from the Psycher Powers list (later in this document) but must roll a Mind Stat check for all their Psycher Powers (with a bonus dependent on level, and suffer from Backlash if their abilities fail. Psychers do not need to speak, use gestures or items, or otherwise give external indications of their powers besides the effects themselves.
Backlash is the bane of Psychers, any time a Psycher Power fails his Mind Stat roll to activate his powers, he suffers a Backlash. Backlash is typically Energy Point damage, but at high levels of ability, damage is Health Points as well (this damage does not cause Critical Injuries, and thus does not need to be checked against Shock Value). Also, during a Backlash episode (which lasts until the character regains their lost Energy and Health) the Psycher cannot use his Powers at all without suffering additional Backlash damage (1/5 of initial Backlash damage). If, for some reason, the character suffers another Backlash during an Episode, they lose all Psycher Powers until they heal fully all Backlash damage.
Level 1: The character has 10 Psycher Points. Backlash inflicts 5 Energy Points of damage.
Level 2: The character has 20 Psycher Points. Backlash inflicts 10 Energy Points of damage.
Level 3: The character has 30 Psycher Points, in addition, they gain a -1 Bonus to Mind Stat Rolls to activate their Powers. Backlash inflicts 15 Energy Points of damage.
Level 4: The character has 40 Psycher Points, in addition, they gain a -2 Bonus to Mind Stat Rolls to activate their Powers. Backlash inflicts 20 Energy Points of damage.
Level 5: The character has 50 Psycher Points, in addition, they gain a -3 Bonus to Mind Stat Rolls to activate their Powers. Backlash inflicts 5 Health Points and 25 Energy Points of damage.
Level 6: The character has 60 Psycher Points, in addition, they gain a -4 Bonus to Mind Stat Rolls to activate their Powers. Backlash inflicts 10 Health Points and 30 Energy Points of damage.
Shape Change (Revised, 2-3 points/Level)
This attribute at levels 1 and 2 works exactly as written in BESM Revised (p66-67). However, additional levels are required to represent the feats of shapeshifting used by some characters.
Level 3: The character can induce radical physical changes, altering apparent age (by any amount), height by up to 40%, and apparent weight by any amount plausible. The character may increase or decrease Appearance by up to three levels, as well as add or subtract the Marked Defect and Natural Weapons.
Level 4: The character can induce physical changes beyond natural law, assuming the shape of any natural animal (supernatural creatures, such as dragons or griffins, cannot be copied with this level), although the character will suffer penalties as they learn the new shape’s abilities. The character may increase or decrease Appearance by up to four levels, as well as possessing the capabilities of level 3.
Level 5: The character possesses the capabilities of
level 4, but can now effortlessly mimic the abilities of the animal form they
assume, taking no penalty. They can now also assume the forms of supernatural
creatures, but cannot duplicate their special powers. The character may
increase or decrease Appearance by up to five levels as well.
Level 6: The character has achieved primal Shape Change capabilities,
and can assume the forms and powers of anything which they have seen or heard
of ever. The GM has final say on what abilities hybrid or imaginary forms will
possess, but the character can assume and utilize those abilities without
penalty. The character may also increase or decrease Appearance by any level.
New Defects
For some reason, the character doesn’t remember who she is. This
may be because of suppressed memory, a blow to the head, or even psychic attack
or brainwashing. Because of this, a portion of the Character Point allotment is
reserved for the GM’s usage, to represent the character’s mysterious past. Or the
GM may add ‘hidden’ defects such as Cursed, Involuntary Physical Change,
Nemesis, or Wanted and use them to fill the character’s required percentages.
1 BP: 5-10% of starting character points reserved. The character’s amnesia is mild.
2 BP: 15-20% of starting character points reserved. The character has severe amnesia.
Bad Swimmer
The character possesses a body type that is too dense to float, and thus cannot swim well. This defect is part of the Dwarven Racial Template, although some others may have it as well. Unlike other Defects, Bad Swimmer has only one level.
1 BP: The character suffers a +4 penalty to Swimming checks to stay afloat or reach the surface.
A spirit of rage and destruction lives inside of the character, causing them to lose control in combat. She attacks friends and foes alike in a mindless rage, seeking only destruction and death. In addition, berserk characters automatically succeed at Shock tests, but do not know how much damage they have received in combat until they snap out of it. Berserk characters may only use the ‘Full Attack’ option, although they can make called shots to strike for vital points. Super Strength and Damn Healthy! can be tied to this Defect, to represent a character who becomes incredibly strong and tough when enraged.
Berserk rage is triggered by entering combat with hated foes, sustaining a certain level of damage, or it can be unleashed at will. It is, however, difficult to end until everything on the field is dead or destroyed. Any time a Berserker is about to attack an ally, a Soul stat check is made, with a penalty listed below.
1 BP: Twice Shock Value in damage has been received, -2 Bonus to activate willingly, +2 penalty to stop. The character has some rage issues.
2 BP: Shock Value in damage has been received, -4 Bonus to activate willingly, +4 penalty to stop. The character is a demonic force in combat.
No Sense of Direction
A Defect best suited for comedic games, a character with No Sense of Direction is always hopelessly lost. Due to an inability to remember directions properly, confusion about which direction is which (an inability to tell left from right, for example), or something completely unexplainable, when they’re traveling alone it is difficult for the character to get anywhere they haven’t been before. In comedic themed games, this Defect leads to severe warping of space and time, characters end up walking to other continents on their way to a new school. In more serious games, they just end up in places where no can figure out how they got there while trying to reach their destination.
This Defect does not preclude the character learning Navigation or Tracking skills, it simply prevents them from using said skills well in real world applications. This does not preclude the usage of these skills in planning, but a map prepared by the character will still be mostly useless to them.
1 BP: The character suffers +2 penalty to all Mind Stat and Skill Checks involving travel from one place to another. This includes traveling through wilderness areas, mazes, and crowded urban environments. This penalty can also apply to other dimensions if normal physical laws apply.
2 BP: As above, but all penalized Checks are made with a +4 penalty. In addition, even if successful, the trip will take significantly longer and may involved dead ends and other navigational hazards.
Sensory Overload
The character’s senses have a low tolerance for input. This may be because of Heightened Senses, a permanent chemical imbalance, or faulty replacements by cybernetics or magic. Loud noises, bright lights, or strong odors can affect the character’s abilities. Flare attacks resisted by Body Stat have cumulative penalties with this Defect’s, if applicable. This defect may be taken multiple times to represent extreme cases of Sensory Overload.
1 BP: One of the character’s primary senses is prone to weakness around strong stimuli. A Body Stat Check with a +2 penalty must be made to avoid a +2 penalty to all die rolls while in the presence of the stimulus. Alternately, all secondary senses may be affected as above.
2 BP: One of the character’s primary senses is prone to extreme weakness around strong stimuli. A Body Stat Check with a +4 penalty must be made to avoid a +4 penalty to all die rolls while in the presence of the stimulus. Alternately, all secondary senses may be affected as above, or all primary senses may be affected as per the 1 BP version.
Someone who is Wanted must choose which organization, country, etc is currently after them. The following organizations are capable of placing Wanted 2 status on a character and whether they have a capture or kill policy on rewards; the Brotherhood of Midnight (kill only), the Eight (either), either the Northern or Southern Dragon Knights (capture only), any of the three Blademaster schools (either), the Gunslingers (capture except in extreme cases), Sidun (kill only), and Jarna (either). Those countries associated with the Eight or the three Blademaster schools may issue bounties equivalent to Wanted 2 by going through said organizations. All other countries, organizations, etc either do not post rewards, or are incapable of posting large enough rewards to attract the level of attention that Wanted 2 gathers. Typically, Wanted 1 is equal to a bounty of no more than a hundred matins, and is usually much less than that sum, a few matins and some coppers. Wanted 2 is any amount above that, and has no real upper limit. The highest bounty currently offered is by the Eight for Hermund Faust, payable upon delivery, of five hundred thousand matins dead, or a million alive.
Wild Magic
Typically only suffered through by characters with the Dynamic Sorcery attribute, Wild Magic represents the force of High Magic which must be held under sharp restraint, but the character isn’t very good at doing so. In any stressful situation, a character with Wild Magic may accidentally unleash their power (by failing a Soul Stat check), causing any effect up to the full level of the character’s Dynamic Sorcery attribute (limited by their current Energy Points). This continues, the Wild Magic blazing out of control, until the character manages to restrain their power once more (by succeeding at a Soul Stat check), or collapses, out of energy (Dynamic Sorcery use continues, draining Energy Points until the character has no more Energy Points left to spend). The effects of Wild Magic should not be obviously beneficial to the character, but a clever player may be able to find some use for particularly odd effects.
1 BP: +2 to the Soul Stat check to control or restrain their power when unleashed unintentionally. The character has the odd problem with their powers.
2 BP: +4 to the Soul Stat check to control or restrain their power when unleashed unintentionally. The character struggles to control their powers, a true force of chaos.